How to use the dyng library

To include the library in a project, you only need to put the folder dyng/ in the project directory and include the header dyng/dyng.h.

#include "dyng/dyng.h"

However, the project needs to be using at least the version C++14 for the dyng library to compile.

Simple example

Here is a simple code example showing how to create a dynamic graph. For full example code that can be compiled refer to demo/example.cpp.

auto a = dgraph.add_node(0);
auto b = dgraph.add_node(1);
auto ab = dgraph.add_edge(2, a, b);
// possibly more modifications ...

After calling the build method, individual graph states can be accessed. However, they don't contain any layout information yet. Class default_layout serves the purpose of calculating that information.

// now you can access individual layouts using:
// this way you can access specific node coordinates
// for instance:

Canvas size

A different constructor can be used to set canvas dimensions and the center point of the coordinate system. For instance:

float w = 1920;
float h = 1080;
float tolerance = 0.04;
dyng::default_layout layout(tolerance, w, h);

Which is equivalent to:

float w = 1920;
float h = 1080;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float tol = 0.04;
dyng::default_layout layout(tol, w, h, { x, y });

Parallel implementation

You can use default_layout_parallel instead of default_layout, which uses a given number of threads to speed up the layout computation process.

The interface is the same as default_layout, except the constructor takes one more parameter – the number of threads to use. It also contains the method set_threads which serves the same purpose.

// equivalent to
// dyng::default_layout_parallel layout(4, 0.04);

Using interpolator

After you have built a dynamic graph and computed a layout, a smooth animation can be created by generating a series of graph states at given timeslices.

float timeslice = 0.016; // 16 milliseconds
for (float t = 0; t <= inter.length(dgraph); t += timeslice) {
dyng::graph_state frame = inter(dgraph, t);
// here you can display 'frame'

To draw a single graph_state, individual nodes and edges can be accessed along with their coordinates. The class interpolator sets the alpha values of nodes and edges according to the current phase. You can also use the methods is_new and is_old that have been set appropriately when the method dynamic_graph::build was called.

Using two hypothetical functions draw_line and draw_dot, nodes and edges can be rendered the following way:

for (const auto& e : frame.edges()) {
draw_line(e.node_one().pos().x, e.node_one().pos().y, e.node_two().pos().x, e.node_two().pos().y);
for (const auto& n : frame.nodes()) {
draw_dot(n.pos().x, n.pos().y);

You can use e.alpha() to draw the edge with appropriate levels of transparency in order to display it appearing/disappearing. You can also use e.is_old() or e.is_new() to differentiate appearing/disappearing edges (by using different colors for example). The same can be used for nodes.

To set the order of phases during individual transitions between states (dynamic_graph::states) the method interpolator::set_phases can be used. Additionally, the method duration can be used to read or change the duration of each phase. Refer to the full documentation for more information on how phases work.

The library provides two default presets for phases. They can be selected by calling the appropriate constructor using one of two object tags: phased or simultaneous. To create an animation that is split into phases you can use the following constructor, but you are free to use the default one as well:

// equivalent to dyng::interpolator inter;

To create a simpler animation use this constructor, which sets up the object in order to make a simultaneous transition that simply interpolates between the current state and the next one:

Tag object that indicates to use default phased interpolation.
Definition: interpolator.h:44
Tag object that indicates to use default simultaneous interpolation.
Definition: interpolator.h:41
std::vector< graph_state > & states()
Returns reference to the vector of graph states.
Definition: dynamic_graph.h:157
Used to create a smooth animation from a sequence of states given by a dynamic graph.
Definition: interpolator.h:55
Definition: foresighted_layout.h:48
void build()
Definition: dynamic_graph.h:113
Definition: foresighted_parallel.h:38
edge_id add_edge(unsigned time, node_id one, node_id two)
Definition: dynamic_graph.h:71
Represents the sequence of states of a dynamic graph.
Definition: dynamic_graph.h:42
float length(const dynamic_graph &dgraph) const
Returns the total length of the animation.
Definition: interpolator.h:195
void set_threads(unsigned count)
Sets the thread count.
Definition: foresighted_parallel.h:58
node_id add_node(unsigned time)
Definition: dynamic_graph.h:54
Templated class for representing a static graph and its layout.
Definition: graph.h:40